Friday, 23 August 2013

Feast or Famine!

Well this phrase perfectly describes life here at Lulumama Towers at the moment.  We have had a lovely few weeks of various relatives visiting, and i have been inundated with work.  The relatives have been a marvellous help looking after little one whilst i get on with things, but i wish i could have spent more time with them as they live a long way away.  As usual i am very happy to have all this work, we need the pennies, and it has given me a chance to use our newly (nearly) completed extension.  However, why is it that it is always comes along in a big clump?  I'm sure that every self employed person lives within the feast or famine world but it is still very annoying.   For anyone reading this thinking "ungrateful cow, at least you have got the work" i say, yes quite simply you are right, but i'm still allowed a little moan.  So i hope that explains my absence from the blogging world recently. 

 The above shot is the inside of one of the three tailored frock coats i have been making for a certain musical about a green witch and a blonde white witch, it goes on tour this week.  I thought that you would like to see what goes on on the inside of a tailored coat.  The cream colured area is the inside chest canvas, the black stitching is the pad stitched collar, this stitching gives the collar its "roll" and the black tape line is the break line of the collar, the fluffy stuff is the chest padding and helps give the jacket structure. So there you go now you know a little bit of what your ticket money goes towards.  This is a character which is going to be played by 3 artistes, so each actor has to have his own costume, which is drafted and cut to his size(by a lovely man called Mervyn), fitted on him, and then finished off.  For each actor i have to make a separate coat, shirt, waistcoat with working pockets, and a pair of trousers.  So there you go, i'm off now to carry on sewing, but keep checking my blog i will be back soon.

Ps, i have been treating myself whilst i work with some trips out to the veg patch to see what is ready to munch, our blueberry bush has done us proud! 


  1. Good to hear you're busy, moaning no you're not, just saying it as it is as worrying about funds is not good and wanting to be with loved ones normal. Hopefully all will be over soon and then we can maybe catch up with a crafty get together at mine or yours.
    Me I've got another dress pattern in my head and lusting after Tana Lawn for it at £22 a m and I need 3 I'm scanning ebay frantically as this obsession won't budge, it's Tana Lawn or nothing.


    1. I have a contact for Tana Lawn, will text it too you! catx

  2. Are those rasperries ginormous or is the bowl teeny tiny??
