Thursday, 13 March 2014

Super Sunny Sunday
Well spring has finally sprung in our neck of the woods.  After what felt like the longest winter on record, we finally have the first signs of spring
Like everywhere in the country this winter has been the soggiest and greyest for a long time, last year we had a snowy one-not sure which was worse.  Thankfully we haven't suffered awful flooding like the poor folks down south, we had a scary tidal surge not far away but the damage around here is more to farmers fields rather than the houses.
 So it was so lovely to get out in the garden at the weekend and tidy up the garden.  It is a good feeling to clear away all last seasons dead brown crispy bits, and unearth all the new fresh shoots peeping through the earth.  The cheery daffs really gave me a lift.

The birds have been making themselves known, singing their hearts out, and we have a couple of blue tit families making themselves at home in the bird boxes.  I didn't manage to capture them on film but I did spy this little brown bird( Dunnock or house sparrow maybe), he was singing away on the ivy.

There was so much warmth in the sun that a few brave bumblebees and butterflies were flitting about, this butterfly was attracted to the warm plastic sack I was using for my garden detritus.
The final sign of the weather changing is my washing flapping in the breeze, soo happy to be able to get it dry outside, it always smells so much nicer.  It also means we no longer have to walk through a wall of washing dangling off the airer in the lean-to!

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