Saturday, 13 July 2013

 Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside.......

We had a picture postcard sort of day today and as high temperatures were predicted we headed for the coast.  Our little one like most his age loves the beach and all that goes with it, even gritty sandwiches!  we arrived nice and early to get a free parking space(we are tight when it comes to paying to park) and before the sun got too hot.

 Little one enjoyed building roads in the sand with his Daddy whilst i got on with a project that i am desperatley trying to finish.  He delights in smashing sandcastles rather than building them, so after a bit of mindless violence we cooled down with a paddle.

 East Anglia's first motorway under construction.

 Road testing the er..road.

 I attacked my least favourite part of crochet....tying off all the ends-yuk, but sat in the sun on a beach and it is no longer a chore!

 Now you see the toes....aaah very cold north sea water!!!


 Token artistic shot of sun dappled sea.

 After a picnic lunch and cries of "I want to go to the pier" we packed up our stuff and headed along the prom(just realised that we never actually made it to the pier), we stopped at the little huts and boating lake cafe for a cup of tea and something sweet, there is a lovely little vintage market in the huts but I managed to resist temptation and we then headed for the park.
 Had to take a photo of this lovely old car(think it is a morris minor, i forgot to check), it was all spic and span and reminded me of my little green mini which i used to bomb around in.

 Obligatory shot of the lighthouse, this is my son's favourite feature of the town, he is not quite big enough to climb up all the steps .  I love all the lovely houses and cottages, and like to pick a different one to pretend i live in each time i visit, this time i plumped for the cream house in the middle of a row of sherbert coloured terraces.

 Everybody's gardens were looking splendid, i particularly loved these gorgeous red hollyhocks, and i love the glimpses you get down all the little alleyways.  We finished the day with a jam doughnut from the pump st bakery van( a very cool citroen van which i forgot to photo-doh), it was lip licking good and a perfect end to a smashing day!!!


  1. Hot up here too! We had Walking Day, absolutely broiling and no shade to speak of, all came home and had cold showers in place of paddling, but we didn't have doughnuts!

  2. Ah you missed out there then, i think you have it warmer up there, its decidedly grey and cool today!

  3. Oh so hot here again today....would have loved a day out like yours.....donuts and all!
    daisy j xx
    Ps liking the 'arty shot' very much....!

    1. Yes it was pleasantly cool compared to inland, always like an arty shot makes me look deep!

  4. How very lovely - there is something very special about the British seaside. We are lucky enough to live by the sea and I did not dare move the car all weekend as I knew that I would never get a parking spot again! Still it is lovely
    thank you for calling in
    Best wishes

    1. Ooh lucky you, we don't get there enough despite it being only 40 mins away, i expect we drive the locals mad parking outside their houses! Thank you for commenting! Catx
